🚀What Are Limiting Beliefs; Unmasking Their Origins and Breaking Free🚀

It seems that everyone nowadays are talking about limiting beliefs, and for good reason. These little buggers are what create Hell on Earth. You’re being melodramatic Andrew, I hear you say. Am I really though? Your reality that you’re currently experiencing is merely a reflection of your internal state. Everything that you are experiencing right now, all the thoughts that are zooming through your head are all influencing your experience in some way shape or form. It can be pretty terrifying or liberating, depending on how you choose to perceive it. You have far more power than you think. If and when you choose to heal your limiting beliefs, or just “remember” who you truly are at the centre of it all you can literally create Heaven on Earth. I use the word Heaven to represent the most idyllic life and existence - it is linked in no way to religion (unless that’s what floats your boat).

Defining Limiting Beliefs and their impacts on you

Limiting beliefs are deeply ingrained convictions or thought patterns that individuals hold about themselves, others, or the world around them. These beliefs often restrict personal growth and can prevent you from achieving your authentic self or pursuing your goals.

Limiting beliefs are like the little gremlins in your head that give power and amplify your negative thinking. They are typically self-deprecating, critical and irrational. I want you to read the last one more time “irrational” - These limiting beliefs that you hold about yourself and the world around you are based purely on your experiences lived or transferred (by a parent, carer, society etc…) They actually hold no real truth - but my goodness do they feel true to you.

Have you ever had the experience where you were faced with a challenge or something new and you heard “I can’t do this” - that thought is powered by the little gremlin who has attached importance to a situation/experience that is making you now believe that you are incapable to completing said task efficiently and effectively?

Any time you have a thought that doesn’t support you : it is linked to a limiting belief.

The comforting thing is that we all have them - I have worked with all walks of life from humble backgrounds to multi-millionaires, and no one is spared from the wrath of the limiting belief. This, for me brings me comfort, because it shows me that we are ALL dealing with this. Of course, some of us have less and others more, but there is a real sense of “community” in our desire to move from limited to limitless beliefs.

Where do Limiting Beliefs come from?

So, if we all have limiting beliefs they must come from somewhere. Yes. They. Do.

Family and Childhood

Many limiting beliefs have their roots in childhood. Our family and caregivers play a significant role in shaping our self-perception. Negative or critical parenting (conditions of worth) can lead to beliefs like "I'm not good enough" or "I'm unlovable." As we grow, these beliefs persist unless we challenge and change them.

Society and Culture

Society and culture can also instil limiting beliefs. Stereotypes, gender roles, and societal expectations can influence how we see ourselves. For instance, cultural norms that emphasise success and perfection can lead to beliefs like "I must always be perfect" or "I'm a failure if I'm not successful.”


Your limiting beliefs are not limited (no pun intended) to just your own experience. You are a product of many other people’s lives, and thus many other belief systems. If your ancestors experienced some form of trauma like a war, this could influence your own perception of reality: “the world is an unsafe place”.

Past Lives

Probably my favourite and massively overlooked, is how your previous lives influence your current beliefs. Have you ever had an irrational, unexplainable fear before? Remember that you are a multi-dimensional being: if this is hard to grasp stick with me. Your purpose is to remember your wholeness, but you can only do this through lessons - once those lessons are learnt you anchor more truth of who you are: Love. Unfortunately, any lessons that were not fully integrated will move into your present day (subconsciously of course). For example you have a deep fear of being abandoned, yet in this lifetime you have no reason to feel this fear.

Breaking free from your limiting beliefs

When navigating our experience it can be helpful remember this quote from the Greek philosopher Parmenides - “Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit” which translates to “Nothing, comes from nothing”.

Limiting beliefs are like invisible chains that hold us back from achieving our true potential. They're deeply ingrained and often formed in childhood or through past experiences. However, with self-awareness, self-compassion, and the willingness to challenge and change these beliefs, it is possible to break free from their constraints. The beliefs don’t actually exist, but the more you believe them the more they become engrained into your physical experience.

Remember, you have the power to rewrite your own narrative. By replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones, you can unlock your true potential, chase your dreams, and live a more fulfilling and satisfying life. It's time to let go of the past and embrace a future full of limitless possibilities.

With love and authenticty,

Andrew xx.

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    🔗Top 10 Limiting Belief Examples and How to Overcome Them🔗


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