🫶🏻 How To Attract Emotionally Available Men 🫶🏻

Hello beautiful soul,

If you're anything like me, you value emotional sensitivity and consider emotional availability to be the cornerstone of a thriving relationship. But let's face it, many men struggle with this concept, finding it challenging to embrace sensitivity and vulnerability. This can leave you feeling like they're emotionally distant or even cold-hearted. It's crucial to recognise that our beliefs shape our reality, and if you're consistently attracting emotionally unavailable partners, there might be an underlying belief driving this pattern. (hard truth)

So, what does it really mean to be emotionally available? Simply put, it's the ability for two individuals to share a healthy emotional connection. This often translates into open communication about their feelings, leading to improved understanding and harmony within the relationship.

However, while you may consciously desire emotional availability in your partner, deep-rooted beliefs might contradict these desires. These beliefs often stem from our upbringing. Reflect on your childhood: Was your father emotionally available, or were you raised with the notion that "men don't cry"? 😔

One of the most prevalent limiting beliefs that I've observed in my clients is the idea that vulnerability equals weakness. If you harbor this belief on either a conscious or subconscious level, you're likely to repel emotionally available men because you perceive their vulnerability as a sign of weakness rather than strength. 🤯

It's important to understand that your subconscious mind's primary function is to ensure your safety. In this context, it associates weakness with danger. As a result, you find yourself attracted to the stereotype of a "strong, independent" man—the so-called "REAL MAN." However, this archetype often reflects an outdated perception of masculinity, one that doesn't encompass the full spectrum of human emotions.

In reality, those who can embrace vulnerability are often more in tune with their inner selves. Vulnerability signifies openness, honesty, and bravery—all qualities that are deeply aligned with your Soul's Essence. Your Soul resonates at the frequency of authenticity, and showing vulnerability is a powerful way to tap into that frequency.

When you open up emotionally and allow yourself to be vulnerable, you're not displaying weakness; you're demonstrating immense strength. It takes courage to let your guard down and share your true self with someone else. Vulnerability fosters genuine connection and intimacy, paving the way for a more fulfilling and authentic relationship.

In the journey toward a more emotionally available and fulfilling relationship, it's essential to confront your limiting beliefs. Challenge the idea that vulnerability equates to weakness, and recognise that true strength lies in the ability to be open, honest, and brave with your emotions.

Remember, the partners you attract into your life are often a reflection of your beliefs and expectations. By reshaping your beliefs and embracing vulnerability as a strength, you can rewrite your love story. Seek out partners who share your values and can create the healthy emotional connection you desire.

In the end, love is about understanding, compassion, and genuine connection. It's about finding someone who complements your soul's essence and allows you to be your authentic self. So, don't shy away from emotional availability; embrace it as a pathway to a more profound and fulfilling love.

With love and authenticity, Andrew xx


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